Same Day Visits

We offer you the flexibility of same day appointments for those occasional urgent medical needs like fever, colds, back pain and minor injuries. When it is not life threatening and you need to see a provider today, Doctors of Internal Medicine, is your best option.

Please call us today for an evaluation!
McKinney | 972-382-9292
Plano | 972-758-4455

Shiloh | 972-640-9006

We Also Provide

  • Physicals / Annual Exams
  • Immunizations
  • Well woman Exams
  • Acute Care
  • Allergy Testing / Shots
  • X-Rays
  • Lesion removal
  • Chronic Problems (Diabetes / Cholesterol)
  • EKGs
  • Nuclear Cardiac Tests
  • Stress Tests
  • Echocardiograms


At Doctors of Internal Medicine, we offer a full service, medical spa and skin care specialty clinic. We offer the latest non-surgical cosmetic enhancements, skin care and anti-aging treatments. Our team of laser experts and consultants work with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the results you want.

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